Harold Crick goes shopping for an electric guitar in Stranger Than Fiction.The narration is just perfect. For many people I've met it seems like a love or hate film. I LOVE, LOVE this movie even more love for Will Ferrell for doing it.
Harold Crick goes shopping for an electric guitar in Stranger Than Fiction.The narration is just perfect. For many people I've met it seems like a love or hate film. I LOVE, LOVE this movie even more love for Will Ferrell for doing it.
(Happy New Year!)
I had a timely encounter with a lion dance after eating rice paper rolls with my 'ma in Richmond (Melbourne, Australia) this afternoon. The local news agent called on the blessings of the lions to come dance, eat cabbage, receive money in a red packet for its services and set some red pyro alight to scare all the evil spirits away.
I miss being a kid. I saw this over and over for days during the New Year. I lived and breathed every Chinese Festival with my Grandparents (though my fave was, and still is the Chinese Lantern Festival). I was in charge of the cymbols for our own Lion Dances at Chinese school. At home all I did was over eat on home made prawn crackers and achar while listening to old red cassette tapes my Grandparents blared through the stereo for weeks. Looking back I'm surprised that our Italian neighbours didn't bang on our door to turn the noise down, ah the beauty of the Melbourne suburbs ;-).
Nostalgia is a great thing.
All I did for New Year was what I saw (above). No red packets, no prawn crackers... and just the thought of my dear Grandparents. Oh, I did pick up this neat hat on the way back to the car.
The spirit is still in me though, and many blessings to you radcakes readers. To great health, prosperity and peace in 2009. Happy Year of the Ox!
Last week was working away and getting REALLY annoyed at how my mac screen kept on dimming. I just wanted to glance at my screen every now and again! Without seeing BLACK! The cool guys that make up Autozamm said:
"You need Caffeine!"
"Yes Caffeine. Caffeine for your mac. It's like a coffee cup on your desktop and you click on it to fill up, your screen will stay on all the time"
Wonderful! The delights of meeting people and them solving your woes after only meeting them for 3 minutes. Doesn't happen too often now does it?
So all you mac folk click on it. It'll make you a much happier mac user. Caffeine
I've been surrounded, immersed in music. From Black Kids, to Arctic Monkeys, Lupe Fiasco, TV On The Radio, Neil Young, Prodigy to Cut Copy. I find it intriguing (and Sean most likely won't agree with this) how all these bands/artists interact with each other while they line up for lunch and dinner in the artist tent backstage. Duh!? Huh? How else would meal time play out? But then I brought this up with a producer and he thought the same thing...
To me it's music school/camp where each group is a clique but everyone seems to get along. People from completely different musical genres having a hoot! Laughing, dancing in front of one another, commenting on each other's fashion etc.
I imagine 'small talk' conversation between Jules and Katie of the Ting Tings with Lupe, "Should we have the calamari rings and chips this afternoon or settle with a burger and salad?". "This food looks good but I can't pork up before my set..." Ok enough insane imagined stories from me. Small talk is my least favourite kind of conversation.
Lupe went off in the Boiler Room. Commanded the stage with his slick lyricism and dancing. Forget just throwing the random white towel into the fan pit. Not only did his tee go in he threw his sweater out to the crowd that was ripped to shreads by the masses, two songs later (after 'Superstar' ) he swung both BAPEs out to the crowd in a split second, which, with any person's regular reaction, if they didn't slow it down like the matrix wouldn't have had quick enough reflexes to catch it and would've copped it in the face. So quick was his throw that I couldn't make out who became instantly messed up in the crowd.
It must be the best feeling to have a band that is so into your tunes. His band is tight, they don't mess around, and still well into his tour exchange a multitude of facial expressions which all mean "rad". Seriously, between the bass and keys player there must be 200 different facial expressions for having the best time.
Arctic Monkeys have only really done 3 or 4 gigs after 13 months. Yet on stage on the Gold Coast Big Day Out everything was so fluid. Alex Turner is probably the most relaxed rocker I have ever seen on stage. He makes any guitar wannabe envious on how he glides up and down those frets. The new tracks sound awesome the only title I can remember is "Crying Man", I think the new tracks were different to the one's they performed at their side show in Wellington.
Just some of the highlights...
More from my travels soon