Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dear Roberto,

Dear Roberto,

You dont know me, but we have a connection. Heres why, in chronological order:

1. Sean and Fuzz write me about a blog. They want to start one. I volunteer to set it up, cos I secretly want creative autonomy.
2. Sean wants it to be called "Radcakes". No explanations. No alternatives. Me: "How bout, 'Radcake', singular?" Sean: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHH!! sghskghksfj" etc.
3. I rack my brain for 2 days, trying to think of an idea for the header.
4. First, I Google Image "rad". BMX bikes, neon colours, 80's haircuts. Gross. Too.......rad-y.
5. Second, I Google Image "cakes". i get a bunch of, well, cakes. BOOOOOOR. RING. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
6. I decide i'll draw it myself. That way we wont get sued, either.
7. As difficult as it is, I decide i will not succumb to the temptation of resorting to tiling a background of cutsy cupcakes in radical colours because that would be an injustice to our male contributor, not to mention an eye sore.
8. Finally, i decide on (see: header). I sketch him. I like him. He writes in hot pink chalk. He uses words like "radcakes" and appreciates good, wholesome, oldschool fun, ala hopscotch. He's an analogue kid in a digital world. I feel like i get him. We'd be friends.
9. Sean writes the first post.
10. Sean emails me. "NAZY! ITS ROBERTO!!! HOW DID YOU KNOW!!??! RAAAAADCAKES!" (Sean capslock types quite a bit)

Anyway, dunno if you dig the lilac socks i have you sporting, but i like them on you. Thanks for your mad telepathy skillz, Roberto. I think you're a pretty swell kid.


pics: "rad" from google image search; gateaux by Leslie David. 


  1. blahahahaha!!!!

    he's an analogue kid in a digital world!!!

    yes it's true, he's the type of kid who will shun you ipod touch for that bright yellow walkman that looks like a consolation prize that Fred Savage scored just enough points to avoid getting...

    thanks power glove!!!

    and thanks Roberto!!!

    we love you kid

  2. Analogue Kid In A Digital World - they're a rare breed these days
